Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Zebulon Reeve

UPDATE:  I was incorrect about Silas, the Silas Reeves living in Palmyra is not descended from Bethuel.  However, Zebulon and Abigail (Abby) are his grandchildren, the children of Daniel and Marth Russel Reeve.

I have been chasing Zebulon for sometime now. I found evidence of a Zebulon Reeve in Palmyra, too young to be brother to Joel, but perhaps his son. Today this puzzle piece slipped into place when I discovered Zebulon of Palmyra was Daniel's son (Daniel the Revolutionary Soldier and Joel's brother). What happened to Daniel and Joel's brother Zebulon, did he die without young without marrying? Answers only bring more questions it seems.

It does interest me that young Zebulon follows his Uncle Silas to the Palmyra area. I suspect that there are some more connections up there to be uncovered.

The mother of Mr. Throop, also, was married a second time, to George W. Hatch, of Johnstown. By this marriage she had two sons and two daughters. The eldest son, who was named after his father, is one of the partners in the well-known firm of Rawdon, Wright and Hatch, bank-note engravers ; the younger, Israel T. Hatch, is a prominent citizen of Buffalo. One of the sisters married Zebulon Reeves, of Palmyra. The other became the wife of Gershom Powers, who represented the Cayuga district in the 21st Congress; after his death she married William B. Rochester, long a distinguished politician in the state of New York, and the Bucktail candidate for Governor in 1826, in opposition to De Witt Clinton; Judge Rochester was one of the unfortunate passengers on board the ill-fated steamer Pulaski, and was drowned in attempting to escape from the conflagration that destroyed her; his widow has since married a Mr. Fitch, a merchant at Buffalo.

After the death of her second husband, the mother of the governor remained a widow for twenty years, and died of apoplexy, in 1846, in the eighty-fourth year of her age. She was a woman of estimable character, of strong good sense and of vigorous mind; and she was warmly loved and venerated by her numerous descendants.

The principal mechanics and manufacturers, were Jessup and Palmer, Benson, Wm. Sexlon, Hussey, Amos Reed, Wagstaff (the father of the well known Capt. Robert Wagstaff, of Buffalo, and the Lakes, more recently of California,) Asa Lilly, Salmon Hathway, Shattuck, Robinson, Zebulon Reeves, David Jackways, Enoch Lilly; and some others, whose names are not now recollected. Soon after 1818, and before the completion of the canal, there was a large accession to population, merchants and mechanics. Pliny Sexton, commenced there as a silver smith and watch repairer, in 1819 or, '20; afterwards, was one of the first to introduce the cooking stove into W. N. York; engaged in the Hardware business ; and is now associated with George Cuyler in the banking business.